SiSiB products are used in a wide variety of automotive applications such as silicone oil for auto polish, balck car window and windshield. SiSiB silicone elastomer provide good elastomeric properties in extreme hot and cold environments, offer excellent dielectric properties, resist weathering and offer low compression set. SiSiB offer a portfolio of liquid silicone rubber (LSR), high consistency rubber (HCR) and fluoro silicone rubber (FSR) products.
SiSiB Liquid silicone rubbers (LSR) encompass many specialist grades, such as oil bleeding for lubrication; low coefficient of friction for decreased wear; antistatic grades; self-adhesive grades for bonding; and high purity fuel cell grades. All of the liquid silicone rubber grades have very short cure times and are therefore particularly suitable for the economical production of high volume parts.
SiSiB Fluoro silicone rubbers (FSR) are used for applications requiring improved oil and chemical resistance and good ageing in hot fuel vapours. FSR can provide outstanding resistance to chemicals, many kinds of solvents, lubricants, petrols, engine oils, ATF fluids and other aggressive fluids or greases which have an un-polar chemical nature.
SiSiB high consistency silicone rubber (HCE) will withstand harsh operating conditions in various automotive systems and components, and can be tailored to exactly match your requirements. We offer these and other rubbers for supply direct to your own manufacturing process, or we can make the components for you, on our own premises. General purpose automotive high consistency SiSiB silicone rubbers are Ideal for applications such as exhaust pipe hangers, hoses, wiper blades, airbags, spark plug boots, covers, CVJ boots, bellows, connector seals and gaskets.
SiSiB High-strength high consistency silicone rubbers with excellent tear resistance properties are ideal for exhaust pipe hangers, hoses, spark plug boots, vibration dampers, engine mounts. SiSiB Low compression-set high consistency silicone rubbers can be used for applications requiring high elasticity and/or excellent sealing characteristics, such as seals, o-rings, oil filter gaskets and manifold gaskets.