Silicone Sealants have been an important and integral part of the sealants market for more than 50 years. One of the most popular subclasses of silicone sealants is RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) product.
RTV silicone products are formulated from relatively low molecular weight linear silicone polymers. A crosslinking reaction begins at the time the product is put into use. These crosslinking reactions occur at room temperature, hence the term "RTV", and they are generally moisture-curing reactions. SiSiB, as a reliable silicone sealant manufacturer, supplies various high quality base materials for highly elastic one-component sealants.
Different types of silicone adhesive sealants/glue: electronic grade, electronically conductive, thermally conductive; fast set, fast cure, fast drying; fire rated, fireproof, fire resistant; flexible, paintable, flowable; high heat, heat proof, heat vulcanized; heavy duty, high modulus, high pressure, high strength, high temperature; low viscosity, low modulus, low temperature; marine mildew resistant, natural cure, neutral plus; quick set, quick cure, quick drying; self leveling, structural; sanitary secure, skin safe, soft skin, small smoothing; translucent, transparent; uv cure, uv resistant, clear rtv neutral; water based, waterproof, water resistant; coloured, exterior, external, outdoor plumbing; all purpose, multi purpose, general purpose, all weather...
Application and uses of SiSiB silicone glue/sealants as adhesive: for electronics, windscreens, fabrics, foams, mirrors, tents, threads, windows, fish tanks, boat bonding, sink caulking, swimming pools, wet areas... Food grade or food safe waterproof silicone adhesive sealants are especially designed for freezers, heat resistant for fireplaces, medical grade for skin, safe crystal clear waterproof for aquariums, and underwater silicone based bonding adhesive glue for pools.
Buy our various adhesive silicone sealants in bulk, and get the competitive wholesale price.