At present, there are two main types of applications of organic silicone materials in the field of plastic processing, which are used as the main material of plastic and as the auxiliary agent or auxiliary material of plastic.
As the main plastic material for application, it is mainly based on organic silicone resin as the basic polymer, and then adding other auxiliary materials in the plastic processing process, and finally process into organic silicone plastic finished products. Organic silicone material as the main plastic material for the application of the processed products are organic silicone laminated materials, organic silicone foam plastics, etc.
Secondly, organic silicone materials can be used as plastic silicone additives or auxiliary materials in the field of plastic processing. Different types of silicone materials have different functions, so different types of silicone materials are also used in different plastic processing.
For example, organic silicone material can be used as lubricant, crosslinking agent, reinforcing agent and dispersing agent in plastic processing, in order to improve effectively the technological conditions of plastic processing and the properties of plastic products.